photo credits: Sarah Larissa Heuser, 2023 © Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland GmbH
Psithurism (the Sound of the Wind through Trees)
3-channel sound and video installation
32 min.
Artist/Director: Talya Feldman
Cinematography: Dániel Misota
Sound Design: Ádám Vadász
Musical Direction: Zoë Aqua
Sound Mixing & Editing: Robert Kroos
Translation: Ákos Török
Suite from Maramureș
Violin: Vasile Rus “Poștașul”
Voice: Ancuța Mihalyi
Guitar: Ghiță Grin
Suite from Budești
Violin: Ioan Hârleț “Nucu”
Brásca: Fenyvesi Attila
Suite from Kalotaszeg
Violin: Zoë Aqua
Brásca: Fenyvesi Attila
Suite from Mociu
Violin: Carol Țuli
Accordion: Gheorghe Covaci
In Honor Of/With Thanks To:
Fodor Kis Ferenc and the Jewish community of Cluj-Napoca
David Lieberman, Roby, and the Jewish community of Sighet
The family of Ioan Hârleț “Nucu”
The family of Carol Țuli
The family of Babuț Covaci